sexta-feira, 15 de abril de 2011

Soul mates.

6 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

A soulmate does reveal new layers of yourself to you, and that goes both ways. As you both reveal to each other such amazing things about yourselves, pain comes sometimes, mistakes happen, fears take control, as the distance stretches the hugs and attitudes that could make pain be absolute pleasure.
A soulmate will do amazing things for us... If not to live with your soulmate, what the hell will you choose instead? Fake replacements for the emptiness left over, that will never fill the huge gap left between us.
Above all, a soul mate is the one person with who beyond a certain point, you know life will no longer be painful, it will be just right, all you expect and need, all that no one else could ever give you.
To live with a soul mate forever? Yes. Everything else is just purely a fail.

Sofia disse...

All I can say is that I truly hope that someday you will find yours.

Anónimo disse...

You speak as if you are not the person that knew me so well all this years. I may be sick, I may be broken and lost and you may be hurt, very hurt. But I am forever as you know me in your heart, and not for much longer as you know me in your pain.
All I can say is that I truly hope that you never forget some things that forever changed our lives, and that you don't settle and accept my temporary weaknesses, and are able to understand me even better then I am of my self.
Remember, and see beyond the pain. Somethings we can not simply accept, and I was always a person that stood by your side, and that never gave up. REMEMBER THAT.
I will work on restoring myself, I have screamed for help and nobody heard me and came to me. No problem, I will do it on my own. I will be better then I ever could be!

Sofia disse...

Bem, tudo o que tu dizes está muito longe de ser verdade. Tu nunca estiveste sempre do meu lado, nem tão pouco lutaste sempre por mim. Antes pelo contrário ao longo de todo o tempo em que estivemos juntos duvidaste, imagino eu, todos os dias do que sentias por mim.
Ao pôr o meu coração de parte e ao recordar tudo aquilo pelo qual já me fizeste passar, não consigo sequer compreender como fui eu capaz de aceitar tudo isto e permitir que fosses brincando com o sentia por ti ao longo de todo este tempo.
Tantas promessas que foram deixadas por cumprir, tantas vezes que eu acreditei que seria diferente, porque completamente cega acreditava verdadeiramente em ti.
I did everything I could to help you and stand by your side throughout anything, but you know very well that you kept pushing me away.
But this time, you got something right..I'm not the same person anymore.
And always remember... I didn't walk away, you let me go.

Anónimo disse...

A caminho

Sofia disse...
